Whether you are curious to know or not, the answer will simply leave you astonished! No matter what happens, the dog pet owners won’t believe that cats are smarter than their pets and vice versa. It has been a long fight that has been going on between both of them.
You can determine whichever is smarter, but, science has something to add in the dog vs. cats debate!
So, the truth revealed by science with an unbiased perspective is that the dogs have more brains than the cats. No, we are not saying to believe us, but you can read the study published in Frontiers in Neuroanatomy.
The story dates back to 2017, where the researchers at Vanderbilt University studied the brain of the predatory animals and found it. They found that the dogs are brainier than the cats even though cats have larger brains. There were a lot of tests conducted by the university and then determined the dogs as the winners.
Not only have we seen it, but the dogs have much more biological capacity of doing more complex things than cats. This is what was said by Suzana Herculano-Houze, who was one of the researchers involved in the study at the press release.
At least, we sound more logical when we say that the dogs are smarter than cats.
These are not only the findings that deem dogs‘ brains are superior to cats. But, you can also find in another 2010 study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at Oxford University. This study was examining the growth of more than 500 kinds of mammals.
The conclusion to the study was that brain size and sociality is relevant to body sizes. As we all are well aware that dogs have always been a human’s friend and will remain, they are much more social. The above reason is why the dogs have grown much more over time and have much better functioning higher brains.
This case is not an open and shut case. Brian hare, founder, and director of Duke University’s Canine Cognition Center, stated that both of them couldn’t be compared. As everyone has its special unique points, we shouldn’t also jump to a conclusion according to him.
We would like to determine that both are cute in their ways. They have different ways to show their intelligence.
While the dogs can be trained wisely and with patients, cats aren’t meant for this behavior. They are self-dependent and don’t listen to anyone and enjoy their independence.
Intelligence is a field, and no, we can’t say who’s more intelligent. Though, we are always in support that you should love both of them equally and treat them the right way.
In the end, we would just like to conclude that no matter which animal it is, they should be loved. Even being dogs proven smarter by science, cats are no less than them. So, we recommend holding on to both of them and treating them with care and affection!